Last month I had the honor of leading a group through the new Dr. Scott Hahn bible study “The Eucharist in Scripture” and it is fantastic. In the study Dr. Hahn mentioned a speech given by Reverend Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church, at the World Meeting of Families a number of years ago. In Pastor Warren’s speech he spoke of a “Litany of Woes” which with his permission is printed here.
Litany of Woes
Reverend Rick Warren
Materialism is Idolized
Immorality is Glamorized
Sin is Normalized
Politics are Polarized
Divorce is Rationalized
Abortion is Legalized
Crime is Legitimized
Drug Use is Minimized
Comedy is Vulgarized
Sex is Trivialized
Bible is Fictionalized
Churches are Satirized
God is Marginalized
Christians are Demonized
Manners are uncivilized
Speech is Vulgarized
Faith is Secularized
Everything is Commercialized
We Christians are disorganized
Pastors are Demoralized
Faith is Compartmentalized
Our witness is compromised
Christians in other parts of the world are Brutalized
We need our worship to be revitalized
Our Differences to be Minimized
Our Members to be Mobilized
The Lost to be evangelized
And every one of us to be re-evangelized
Our re-evangelization begins with a closer relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit with Prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, and Bible Study. Speaking personally, there is no greater joy than reading Sacred Scripture in the presence of the Author in the Eucharist Chapel. Starting with a prayer to the Holy Spirit and slowly pondering the words, closing your eyes and letting the Spirit of the Word fill you heart, gives you peace and understanding. Don’t attack the Word by setting a goal such as “I’m going to read a chapter tonight”. It may be in a chapter, a paragraph, a sentence or just a word that He wants to speak to your heart. Read and listen.
The Eucharist Chapel is the quiet place where you can have a Face to Face, Heart to Heart talk with Christ and begin your re-evangelization. Don’t miss the opportunity.