Recently I had the privilege of leading a Bible study on the Psalms. What an enlightening experience especially when you know the situation under which each Psalm was written. For example:
Psalm 90 Moses gift to the Israelites as he died on Mount Nebo.
Psalm 72 and 127 are attributed to King Solomon – Psalm 127
Psalm 51 King David repents of his sin of adultery and murder after the story told to him by Nathan.
Psalm 22 The first verses of this Psalm were spoken by Jesus from the cross.
Psalm 32 A Psalm for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Psalm 1 and 2 are what the Psalms are all about.
Psalm 134 Psalm of Ascents.
Psalm 150 A Psalm of Praise
We had previously gone through a study of David and Solomon. With this background the Psalms of David had a greater meaning as we traveled with David avoiding the wrath of King Saul, David’s anguish as his son sought to kill him. David’s sorrow in offending God. The Psalms cover every aspect of human experience, from the depths of fear to the height of oneness with God.
I have included a listing of some of the Psalms used in the class. Enjoy them in both the Hebrew and the English.
Psalms used in Class
Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd
Psalm 122 Let’s Go to the House of the Lord
Psalm 122 Prayer for Peace in Jerusalem
Days of Elijah Ugandan Thunder
Psalm 6 Reprove me not in our anger, Lord